Monday, July 14, 2008

School Just Around The Corner - Where's the break?

Seems like only yesterday I was celebrating the last day of school and a much needed summer break (emphasis on the word "break").

Already, year-round schools have been in session a week, back-to-school sales litter the newspaper, and I've been going to school preparing for next year as co-department chair of the special programs department.

Where was the "break"? :-)

One of the reasons we started the tutoring service ( was to make supplemental educational support more convenient and affordable for parents. As I prepare for the upcoming school year, it amazes me just how much we ask of our children (in and out of school).

Teachers also must shoulder a huge load to make sure that they are prepared to provide quality instruction to every student that will enter their classroom. Here at my high school, 90 minutes of instruction is provided per period so if a teacher has a "bad day" or if a student is absent in mind, body, or spirit, one day, the consequences can be very high.

This preparation starts in the summer and throughout the school year.

For parents, students, and teachers alike, there never seems to be that "break" that everyone needs.....just a temporary lull in the eye of the storm.