Friday, January 16, 2009

What are your thoughts on Wake County Public Schools' student reassignment and diversity initiatives?

This seems to be the most touchy subject in the Wake County area these days. So I'm interested to hear what others think about it. It's difficult for me because I used to teach in a near 100% free and reduced lunch environment in Washington DC. I always thought, if we could just bring some of those kids to a school that had resources and also a diverse population (racially and socioeconomically), it could make a world of difference.

On the other hand, I don't know how I would feel if one of my daughters was assigned to a school miles away (especially if there is another school closer) simply because there is a need to achieve a pre-determined school demographic percentage.

I do believe there is a benefit to those in lower socioeconomic areas (and I wish there was a conclusive study one way or the other) but also believe that families impacted by diversity initiatives sometimes pay too high a price for this.

What are your thoughts? (I understand this is an emotionally charged issue for some....)

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